Place born
Organisation / Person
1856-1936, surgeon, British; English

Ballance, Sir Charles Alfred

1856 - 1936

1855-1941, physician; surgeon; historian, British

Power, Sir D'Arcy

1855 - 1941

1856-1865, railway company, United Kingdom

Maybole & Girvan Railway

1856 - 1865

1855-1921, developer of moving pictures; photographer, British

Friese-Greene, William

1855 - 1921

1860-1903, railway company, Northern Ireland

Belfast & Northern Counties Railway

1805 - 1903

1856-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Mid Kent Railway (Bromley to St Mary Cray)

1856 - 1922

1856-1864, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Epsom & Leatherhead Railway

1856 - 1864

1856-1874, railway company, United Kingdom

East Somerset Railway

1856 - 1874

1878-1924, railway company, United Kingdom

Ballycastle Railway

1812 - 1924

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1856-1939, psychoanalyst, Austro-Hungarian

Freud, Sigmund

1856 - 1939

1856-1909, cabinet maker; medallist; sculptor, French

Charpentier, Alexandre Louis Marie

1856 - 1909

1856-1929, camera manufacturer and photographer, British

Sanderson, Frederick Herbert

1856 - 1929

1855-1932, inventor; manufacturer, American

Gillette, King Camp

1855 - 1932

1855-1916, artist; painter, Czech

Kregczy, Edmund

1855 - 1916

1856-1932, manufacturer; inventor, British

Beard, Robert Royou

1856 - 1932

1855-1929, physician; surgeon, British

Bowlby, Sir Alfred Anthony

1855 - 1929

1856-1937, photographer and inventor, American

Ives, Frederic Eugene

1856 - 1937

1856-1943, locomotive engineer, British

Robinson, John George

1856 - 1943

Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907

Boys, Charles Vernon

1855 - 1944

Carus-Wilson, Charles Ashley

1812 - 1942

Kingsbury, John Edward

1855 - 1948

Pearson, Weetman Dickinson (first Viscount Cowdray)

1856 - 1927

McKechnie, James

1856 - 1931

Thomson, Joseph John (OM; FRS)

1856 - 1940

Hodbarrow Mining Company

1855 - 1968

Detroit-based portrait photographer, active late 19th-early 20th century

Arthur, James

1855 - 1912

1856-1969, pencil manufacturer, New York City, United States

Eagle Pencil Company

1856 - 1969

1855-1941, laryngologist, French

Moure, Emile Jean Gabriel

1855 - 1941

1855-1931, anaesthetist; physician, British

Buxton, Dudley Wilmot

1855 - 1931

1855-1930, dentist, American

Angle, Edward Hartley

1855 - 1930

1855-1935, industrial chemist, British; English

Cross, Charles Frederick

1855 - 1935

1855-1944, scientist, photochemist, teacher and writer, Krems an der Donau

Eder, Josef Maria

1855 - 1944

1856-1921, chemist, British; English

Bevan, Edward John

1856 - 1921

1856-1941, physicist, French

Curie, Jacques

1856 - 1941

1855-1857, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Dearness Valley Railway

1855 - 1857

1855-1951, railway company, Indian

Bombay, Baroda & Central India Railway

1855 - 1951

1855-1944, physicist; inventor, English; British

Boys, Sir Charles Vernon

1855 - 1944

1856-1999, manufacturer of phosphorous; manufacturer of chemicals, Oldbury, England

Albright and Wilson Limited

1856 - 1999

1856-1987, manufacturing engineer, Leeds

Greenwood and Batley Limited

1856 - 1987

Williamson, James

1855 - 1933

Kay, Fred Lawton

1811 - 1969

Friese-Greene, William

1855 - 1921

Biggs, Theodore James

1806 - 1906

Cross, Charles Frederick

1855 - 1935

Peek, Cuthbert Edgar (second baronet)

1855 - 1901

Bevan, Edward John

1856 - 1921

1855-1866, Royal Navy gunvessel, British

HMS Wanderer (1855)

1855 - 1866

1855-1923, medallist, German

Borsch, Alois

1855 - 1923